
Delmei was founded in 2003, located in Xiamen, China, with a total area of 45000 square meters and more than 450 employees. The company is committed to designing, developing and manufacturing various shower terminals and support systems. Delmei has strong product design, mold manufacturing, injection molding, zinc alloy die-casting and electroplating capabilities, and can provide a variety of products and related accessories including shower, lifting rod, shower column, spray gun, faucet, zinc alloy handle, etc. In 2004, the company passed ISO 9001:2000 certification. At present, its products have obtained CUPC, NSF, AB1953, WRAS and other international certifications. We are committed to becoming the world's leading OEM/ODM overall solution provider, providing world-class qualified products and providing excellent customer service.

东阳市| 庆城县| 福清市| 长阳| 永泰县| 应用必备| 丹寨县| 彝良县| 长武县| 兴和县| 黑山县| 望谟县| 陆川县| 杂多县| 通城县| 韩城市| 西林县| 准格尔旗| 宜春市| 宣城市| 昔阳县| 库尔勒市| 吉木乃县| 义马市| 中宁县| 清徐县| 阿克| 新巴尔虎右旗| 中卫市| 三亚市| 繁峙县| 铅山县| 佛坪县| 馆陶县| 丹阳市| 塔河县| 秦皇岛市| 海晏县| 肃北| 乌苏市| 银川市|